Monday, December 7, 2015

Samm Tittle: An Islamophobic Radical Christian

While taking a break from my term paper and browsing FaceBook I came across a repost that made me feel sick. It made me feel so sick that instead of just responding, it has inspired me to blog again... 

  1. dislike of or prejudice against Islam or Muslims, especially as a political force.

Samm Tittle FaceBook Post

The post states:
"We do not have a Radical Extremist Jihadi Islam Problem; we have a Muslim Problem". What the problem IS with Muslims ~ IS that they believe that everyone hates them. They then want to kill everyone who is not one of them. They get this from Birth, now for generations, Muslims are not going to BE AMERICAN. They come from a culture that doesn't want to change. They want you to change... and "WE THE PEOPLE" WON'T"!

It seems Islamophobia is still on the rise in the United States and that people have no issue with spreading lies...

Let's talk about the Radical Christianity problem we have!

When I was reading this post the second time I replaced "Muslim" with "Christian" and oh boy did it make more sense!!

Here is my refined/revised version:

We do not have a Radical Extremist Jihadi Islam Problem;
We have a Christian Problem. 
What the problem is with Christians is that they believe that everyone hates them
Christians believe that they are better than you and me. 
They then want to kill everyone who is not one of them. 
They've gotten this from birth for generations, 
Christians are not going to BE AMERICAN. 
Christians refuse to respect our laws!
Christians will kill anyone who supports Planned Parenthood you can get an abortion there.
They come from a culture that doesn't want to change and only wants to hate. 
They want you to change... and

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